
作者: 时间:2020-01-01 点击数:



2000/09/01—2003/07/01 济宁师范专科学校 英语教育 专科

2003/09/01—2005/07/01 山东大学(自学考试) 英语 本科 学士学位

2005/09/01—2008/07/01 鲁东大学 英语语言文学  研究生 硕士学位


2003/09/01—2005/07/01 微山县第三中学  英语教师

2008/09/01—2021/05 济宁学院大学外语教学部 英语教师

2021-05至今 LD乐动·(中国)官方网站 英语教师

2014/11—2016/10 加拿大埃德蒙顿孔子学院 对外汉语教师

综合奖励—2018/12 孔子学院总部/国家汉办授予《国家公派出国教师荣誉证书》

教学奖励2013/06 济宁学院2013年青年教师教学比赛二等奖

2019/11 济宁学院第七届青年教师教学比赛三等奖





Zhang, S.-Z., Georgiou, G., Xu, J., Liu, J.-M., Li, M., & Shu, H. (2018). Different measures of print exposure predict different aspects of vocabulary.Reading Research Quarterly, 53, 443-454.

Zhang, S.-Z., Georgiou, G., & Shu, H. (2019). What aspects of the home literacy environment differentiate Chinese children at risk for reading difficulties from their not at risk controls? Preschool and Primary Education, 7(1), 1-18.

Zhang, S.-Z., Inoue, T., Shu, H., & Georgiou, G. (2020). How does home literacy environment influence reading comprehension in Chinese? Evidence from a 3-year longitudinal study. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 33, 1745-1767.

Zhang, S.-Z., Inoue, T., Zhong W., Georgiou, G.& Shu, H.(2020). Do pinyin and character recognition help each other grow? Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 53, 476-483.


Zhang, S.-Z., Inoue, T., Shu, H., & Georgiou, G. (2019, February). How does home literacy environment influence reading comprehension in Chinese? Poster presented at the third annual conference for the Association for the Reading and Writing in Asia. Goa, India.

Zhang, S.-Z., Inoue, T. ,Zhong W., Georgiou, G.& Shu, H.(2020, September). Do pinyin and character recognition help each other grow? Poster presented at the fourth annual conference for the Association for the Reading and Writing in Asia. Beijing, China.

Zhang, S.-Z., Inoue, T. , & Georgiou, G. (2021, March). Direct and indirect effects of cognitive and environmental factors on pinyin reading development. Poster presented at the fifth annual conference for the Association for the Reading and Writing in Aisa. Taipei, China

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